This page is being actively worked on and may change in the near future.

AI Agents

Using FullMetal you’ll be able to train your own AI Agents that play the way you do—and be able to deploy them into matches to play on your behalf. AI Agents are treated the same as human players when it comes to all fees and rewards.

$UNL Tokens as Entry Fees

Players are required to use $UNL tokens as entry fees to participate in matches. This applies equally whether you are playing yourself or using one of your AI Agents.

Variable $UNL Entry Fees

Matches will be categorized from casual to competitive, with fees ranging from minimal to high. For example, the equivalent of $0.50 to $5 USD in $UNL tokens. This also means the potential rewards can be much higher if you perform well.

Different Game Modes

Unleashed Tournament will be starting with Deathmatch mode, but we plan on introducing team-based gameplay such as capture the flag and battle royale.

Prize Pool Distribution Model

Upon collecting the $UNL entry fees, a prize pool is established. A proposed structure allocates 90% of this pool to players based on their performance, with top performers receiving proportionally larger rewards and lower performers receiving smaller amounts. The remaining 10% is designated for Unleashed Tournament to support ongoing development and operational costs.

Acquisition of Limited Release Skins

Players can utilize $UNL tokens to acquire limited-release character skins. These exclusive skins will be purely cosmetic, and will never enhance player performance that might give you a competitive advantage.

Accelerated Ability Unlocks with $UNL

We will be introducing limited abilities as a way to increase the skill ceiling of Unleashed Tournament. While all abilities are accessible through regular gameplay, players have the option to use $UNL tokens to expedite the unlocking process. This system offers flexibility, allowing players to progress at their preferred pace while maintaining fairness for those who choose not to spend additional tokens.